How was your weekend? My worked hosted a Mexican Fiesta themed party, stocked with delicious tacos and margaritas! Chris & I walked around the city and sent care packages to far away friends. (Heidi & Dan! Expect something within the next 2 weeks!)
It was a gorgeous Saturday in the city, and I'm surprised it hasn't been raining yet! (Hope I don't jinx myself)
I wore this yellow bell sleeved sweater dress which I purchased over a year ago secondhand. It was the first time I wore it! I could have been plain and boring and wearing black shoes that didn't really match, but why not wear bright blue obnoxious flats. =) May as well make a statement. =P
thrifted dress | Rubi shoes
I am going to have Chris (my husband) start documenting some of my (wacky) outfits. It will help motivate me to start caring again.
We also went to our good friend Jeff's place for a beer and watched Seinfeld! I want to watch it from the very beginning.
I have a job interview tomorrow, so now I'm off to focus and prepare. OH NERVES!
Thank you :)