On our last night in Seattle, we had $2 Tecates at Cha Chas, watched funny burlesque films from the 1940s/50s. Well, the films were showing at the bar, so we had no choice! :) I loved listening to the Seattlite accent. It's quite subtle, but if you pay attention you'll notice the west coastness of it!
We ate delicious vege Thai food, chatted for hours and then later in the night C & P took Colette and I to this hidden gem of a Speakeasy! Not a real one, but one that operated in memory of the prohibition.
#1 rule- No flash photos allowed inside!

Photo sesh

I was so happy I got to hang out with my Lady C. Too bad Christie wasn't there because we usually operate as a trio. <3 Love these girls so much!

I obviously can't do arabesques like I used to!

WHAT THE HELL?! Where'd P get that balance :)

Space needle sighting

Seattle city! This was my second trip here, and I loved it so much more this time around. I'll be back one day!
where DID he get that balance?!